Difference between revisions of "LOTP Application"

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What would they say if asked about you?
What would they say if asked about you?
Were you a member of a [[Clan]] or other group? Explain.

Revision as of 11:27, 14 June 2019

Name of Character:


Character Skills & Spells[edit]

What type of character was this:

List your main fighting stats:

Favorite fighting tactics (include what skills/spells you used most)*:

What was your warcry if any:

If you were a mage, what school and circle were you? What spells did you use most often?:

What weapon did you use?

Character History[edit]

Why are you applying for Legends of the Past with this character and why would other players consider this character 'Legendary'?:

Give your character's background. This will be used as the basis for the help file for the character:

Who were your friends (if any)?

Who were your enemies (if any)?

What would you say if asked about these people?

What would they say if asked about you?

Were you a member of a Clan or other group? Explain.

Were you a prominent in Role-playing? Pkill? Group Runs? What made you stand out from the crowd?

Where could your character be found most often? Are there areas your character rarely or never went to?:

How did your character behave? Did you have any personality quirks? Did you use a permanent mood setting? What was it?:

Relate a story about your character that would be memorable by the player base:

List your character's strings, if they had any, from most to least notable: