
From LegendMUD
Revision as of 11:55, 26 June 2019 by Huma (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Your toggle options: afkinfo [OFF] automatically announce your AFK status on Info channel afkroom [OFF] automatically announce your AFK status to the room a...")
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Your toggle options:

 afkinfo       [OFF] automatically announce your AFK status on Info channel
 afkroom       [OFF] automatically announce your AFK status to the room
 afktells      [OFF] suppress tells to you while you are AFK
 alphabetize   [OFF] alphabetization of the WHO display
 anndeath      [OFF] suppress announcements of your death on Info channel
 annlevel      [OFF] suppress announcements of your levelling on Info channel
 autoexit      [ON ] show exits automatically
 autohelp      [OFF] toggle whether or not autohelp is displayed in-game
 autologin     [OFF] run the "autologin" alias when you enter the game
 autorush      [OFF] automatically rush at enemies when shot at
 autoskip      [OFF] automatically skip to next post when last append reached
 backscroll    [OFF] whether or not backscroll is saved
 blank         [ON ] suppress blank lines before prompt
 brief         [ON ] show short room descriptions
 conferences   [OFF] suppress display of conferences when you enter the game
 echocommand   [OFF] displays the last command you entered
 editor        [OFF] toggle advanced editor on or off
 fastcommands  [OFF] enable fast commands (such as 'say' and 'score') before wait state
 fightsafety   [ON ] prevent you from engaging with foes more than 4 levels higher
 forumhide     [OFF] hides your character from the web forum
 grouppc       [OFF] show only PCs when checking group info
 gtellafk      [OFF] toggle whether or not gtells get sent to your afk buffer
 hidewhois     [OFF] hide whois strings within whois display
 indexkeywords [OFF] ability to address all items (equipment, inventory, room) with #.<keyword>
 mailforward   [OFF] allows e-mail forwarding for your character
 mailtelegrams [OFF] accepts telegrams for your character
 mxp           [OFF] toggles mxp support
 name          [n/a] show your name instead of your description
 noautoattack  [OFF] supresses automatically attacking back when attacked
 nomaxreport   [OFF] hides max number of mortals in who and whoshort
 objectsort    [ON ] sorting and grouping of containers and inventory
 objnamepartia [OFF] toggles matching objects by partial name
 prompt        [OFF] suppress your prompt
 receivetells  [OFF] suppress tells from mortals
 rejectgives   [OFF] reject items given to you
 seeafkinfo    [OFF] display announced afk status on the Info channel
 seedeaths     [OFF] suppress others' death announcements on the Info channel
 seelevels     [OFF] suppress others' level announcements on the Info channel
 shareformats  [OFF] allows others to acquire your group and prompt formats
 showaliases   [OFF] show command alias expansions
 showallslots  [OFF] equipment will list all slots including empty ones
 showregen     [OFF] whether or not object-based regen messages are displayed
 skills        [ON ] displays skills in verbose mode
 spellfade     [OFF] show your spell wear-off messages on others
 telnetga      [ON ] send telnet GA (go-ahead) signals
 tempmood      [OFF] any set mood-type is reset to normal after first corresponding use
 usecprompt    [OFF] use a different prompt in combat
 wrapprompt    [ON ] word-wrap your prompt at the edge of the screen

Your string and numeric options:

 chanformat          channel format template [|U7[|U8@c|U7]|U6 @[s:|U9@n|U7@:|U6 ]|U10@m|U6]
 delimiter           sets command delimiter [%;]
 growl               send Growl notificatons [hidden password]
 scoreformat         score format name [old]
 screenlength        screen length (lines) for paging [0]
 screenwidth         screen width (columns) for text line breaks [80]

CONFIGURE <option> turns a toggle option on or off. CONFIGURE <option> <value> sets a string or numeric option.